Priscilla González
San José, Costa Rica (b. 1981).
Costa Rican artist Priscilla González is known for her intricate papercut artworks and her focus on femininity, domesticity and intimacy. Her works make reference to doilies and crochet, as well as to lace veils; objects and practices typically associated with women and approved of by society.
Yet the figures in her doily papercuts are taken from erotic photos of curvaceous women from the 1960s and 1970s. As a result, Priscilla's works touch upon the complexities of femininity - of the outward need to be 'respectable' and of the contradictory eroticisms and desires that come to life behind closed doors, away from the judgemental gaze of society.
Studio Parga is delighted to present, in partnership with the artist, six of the original design layouts from which Priscilla's papercuts are made.